We have been working on the some changes on the website over the Summer. Earlier this year we decided to change the way we are working. Previously we have been selling our own products, this has meant experimenting with products to find which sells best, this has also meant large expense to our enterprise which has not always paid off.
We have been selling the delicious Harry Specters Chocolate for a while and Wonky Candles products too; both companies have been set up to give meaningful employment to family members who have autism.
We are now selling Castaway Cottage Bath and Shower treats, which are proving very popular. They are all handmade and environmentally friendly. Castaway Cottage is another company set up around a family member who has autism. We have just taken delivery of an order of Wax Melts from them and they smell divine, all of them! It is very difficult to choose which ones to buy.
We are also selling Grace’s Generation Soaps, again handmade and environmentally friendly. Amelie who is neuro diverse run’s the enterprise with her Mum, Sue. The soaps look beautiful and almost good enough to eat! (please do not try this at home!) I have just heard today that a long established shop in Hertford (and their branch in Welwyn Garden City) will be stocking them. I will pass on more information when things are firmed up.
If you know of a business or enterprise which involves someone or people who have/has autism producing something you think we may like to sell please do get in touch.
We are in the process of getting Christmas Cards printed again, we have two new magical designs for this year, with wonderful awareness messages.
The website is looking much sleeker and makes far more sense now Leila (who is also our artist) has done some work on it. Thanks Leila!